About the board


The Editor in Chief, Shamir Mehta, and members of the editorial board are all experts in their field and provide a clear direction for the journal to meet its aims and scope.

Shamir Mehta

BDS, BSc, MClin Dent (Prosth), Dip FFGDP (UK), PhD, FCGDent, FDSRCPS (Glas), FDSRCS (Eng), FDTFEd (RCSEd), FHEA, Senior Clinical Teacher, Faculty of Dentistry, Oral and Craniofacial Sciences, King’s College London. Visiting Professor, Department of Dentistry, Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, Netherlands

Email Shamir

Zainab Al-Mukhtar

BDS MJDF RCSEng MFDS RCSEd, Principal, Advanced Aesthetic Practitioner & Aesthetic Dentist, Harrow On The Hill Dental & Facial Aesthetics

Email Zainab

Subir Banerji

BDS, MClinDent(Prostho), PhD, FDS RCPS(Glasg), FCGDent (UK), FDTFEd (RCS Ed), Professor, Dental Academy, University of Portsmouth; Programme Director, King’s College London Faculty of Dentistry, Oral and Craniofacial Sciences; Associate Professor, Melbourne Dental School, University of Melbourne; Principal, The Avenue Dental Practice, Ealing, London

Email Subir

Andrew Chandrapal

BDS FCGDent DPDS(Bristol) MClinDent(Pros), Director, IndigoDent Education; Past-President, British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry; Practice Principal, Bourne End Dental

Email Andrew

Elaine Halley

BDS, MFGDP(UK), MSc, Aesthetic and Restorative Dentist, Cherrybank Dental Spa

Email Elaine

Zaki Kanaan

BDS (Lond), MSc, DipDSed, LFHom, Implant & Aesthetic Dentist, Principal, K2 Dental, President, Association of Dental Implantology

Email Zaki

Shiraz Khan

BDS, MSc Restorative (Distinction), B(Med)Sc (Hons), MFDSRCS(Eng) MJDF, PG Dip, PG Cert. Dental Surgeon, The London Centre for Implant & Aesthetic Dentistry

Email Shiraz

Payman Langroudi

Clinical Director, Enlighten Smiles

Email Payman

Chris Orr

BDS BSc, Principal Dentist, Advanced Dental Practice

Email Chris

Dipesh Parmar

BDS MJDF, Cosmetic Dentist, Acorn Dental

Email Dipesh

Tif Qureshi

BDS, Founder, IAS Ortho Academy, Principal Dentist, Dental Elegance

Email Tif

Miranda Steeples

MSc, Grad Dip DH and DTh, AssocFCGDent, President, British Society of Dental Hygiene and Therapy, Bragborough Hall Business Centre

Email Miranda

Reena Wadia

BDS Hons (Lond) MJDF RCS (Eng) MClinDent (Perio) MPerio RCS (Edin) FHEA, Specialist Periodontist

Email Reena